Databases |
Description |
Gale Databases |
Here is a link to 41 different Gale databases accessible to all Townsend Harris High School students. There are subject specific databases, such as Religion and Philosophy and General databases, such as Academic One File. A user name and password is required. Please use the Ask A Librarian Form if you need it. |
New York Times |
This is a link to the Gale database of The New York Times. You can search articles from 1985 through the present. A password is required. Please use the Ask A Librarian Form if you need it. |
Encyclopedia Britannica |
The Encyclopedia Britannica is a general knowledge encyclopedia. A user name and password is required. Please use the Ask A Librarian Form if you need it. |
Queens College Library |
Search Queens College Resources using the One Search feature. Full text books and articles are available remotely for seniors using their CAMS account user names and passwords. Underclassmen can not access full text articles, but can request an article by using the Ask A Librarian Form. |
Queens Public Library |
Search the Queens Public Library's print and digital collections. You can access their ebooks and databases using your Queens Public Library card and pin number. If you need a Queens Public Library card you can apply for one online. Instructions and a tutorial is located in the Video section of THHS Library Pages. |
Brooklyn Public Library |
Search the Brooklyn Public Library's print and digital collections. You can access their ebooks and databases using your Brooklyn Public Library card and pin number. If you need a Brooklyn Public Library card you can apply for one online. Instructions and a tutorial is located in the Video section of THHS Library Pages. |
New York Public Library |
Search the New York Public Library's print and digital collections. You can access their ebooks and databases using your New York Public Library card and pin number. If you need a New York Public Library card you can apply for one online. Instructions and a tutorial is located in the Video section of THHS Library Pages. |