Student Rights and Responsibilities
It is the student's right to:
- Be offered a challenging and enriched education leading to a high school Regents-endorsed Townsend Harris diploma.
- Study in an educational environment wherein his/her health, safety and welfare are protected.
- Communicate with other students through a student publication for dissemination of news, ideas, and opinions.
- Benefit from the meeting of a parent-student-faculty consultative council, which will meet monthly with the principal to discuss matters of importance to the school.
- Annually organize a government of student representatives who will be informed about school policy and will disseminate information to the student body in a responsible manner.
- Determine his/her own dress code within school guidelines.
- Be informed of standards for appropriate behavior and to be treated fairly and with respect.
- Have constitutional right of free speech
It is the student's responsibility to:
- Adhere to all regulations pertaining to attendance and punctuality, and to be prepared to participate in all classes and activities and to achieve his/her highest academic level.
- Abide by all school regulations, demonstrate pride in his/her surroundings and respect the property of others (both private & public.)
- Respect the opinions and feelings of others and to avoid the use of offensive language.
- Treat others fairly; bring concerns about policies and actions to the appropriate personnel and influence peers constructively.
- Participate actively in the student government and show a willingness to serve and support the school.
- Insure the mode of dress is within school guidelines and is clearly neither dangerous nor inappropriate while observing the basic standards of cleanliness and good grooming.
- Read and abide by the school's Code of Behavior, the Citywide Code and any other documents outlining students' rights and responsibilities.
- Recognize that freedom of speech does not constitute license to interfere with the orderly and safe operation of the school.